Thursday, January 30, 2020

Learning easy steps to grow Cannabis for beginners

If you have decided to grow cannabis at home, but no idea how to grow cannabis? Then read on

You can thoroughly enjoy the inexpensive method of cannabis growing which grows almost in different climates, indoors or greenhouses too. The plant grows almost throughout the year.

What all you need to grow cannabis?

· Enough light
· Grow tent and fan
· Potting mix
· Pots
· Fertilizer
· Smell filter

Don’t worry all the above items can be purchased from online stores.

The grow tent helps

· Keeping the bright light intact

· Has openings to allow fresh air slide in and throw out the used air

· Doesn’t let the plant smell go outside


If you are reading a lot to gain cannabis growing education then you will come to know that cannabis needs plenty of light. The 3 different types of lights used are

· HID lamps
· CMH Lamps
· LED Lamps

Proper Ventilation

For cannabis to grow properly it needs ample fresh air. If the area growing area for cannabis is not well ventilated, there can be possibilities of insect attacks.
On the other hand, the used air also needs to be thrown out of the vent/window.


If you are thinking about the type of pots you need for cannabis growing, then the latest trend is fabric pot. Yes, you can pick fabric pots instead of plastic ones. The fabric pots help drain out the excess water and aid oxygen supply till roots.


When growing cannabis purchase high-quality garden soil from a proper hardware store.

The soil will already have essential nutrients that would be enough for the first three weeks.

Cannabis Seeds

Where can you get Cannabis Seeds?

You can buy high-quality cannabis seeds form a seed shop or an online store.

Where should you set up the Grow Box

It is always better to grow cannabis indoors than outdoors.

Try germinating few seeds

You can start your cannabis growing mission by germinating few seeds say 10-12 seeds.
Well, you can start with any number of seeds.

Sprouting will start after 3-7 days of sowing the seeds.

At this stage, you need to turn ON the lights in the grow box. Keep the lights ON for nearly 18 hrs and then switch it OFF for 6 hrs. Place the new baby plants underneath the light.

This will help them grow faster and make sure they are moist. You will see the roots growing out on ends of peat pellets.

It is the time to transfer them to a new pot containing potting mix.

Transfer small plants to Pots

Once your cannabis growing process reaches the stage where the plant pops out of the peat pellet, you need to move it to a different pot containing fertile garden soil.

Use the soil to fill the pot and make a hole right in the middle and place the young plant in the pot.

Make sure you plant the baby plant deep inside the pot. Half the portion of the stem should be buried to offer additional support.  You can see the roots growing on the stem soon. Water the plant a little and place it under the light again.

Watering pattern

Cannabis plant needs plenty of water to grow, but overwatering can also be harmful to the plant and may kill the plant.

Vegetative Stage

Now, you can see your plant germinated. Place them into pots.  They can easily grow underneath the grow lights. Remember do not keep them too close to the light as the leaves may get burnt.


After the period of nearly 3.5 weeks, you can switch the lights ON for 12 hours and OFF for the next 12 hours.

Here you will see the transformation where the plants shift from the growing stage to the flowering stage.

After 4 weeks of keeping the plants in light for 12 hours and without lights for 12 hours, you can notice the buds coming out.

How to use fertilizer for the cannabis plant?
You can feed the plants with a fertilizer once the plants turn 2 weeks old.

If you observe pests attacking your plant, you can use Neem oil which is the best pesticide for the plant.

You can grow a cannabis plant indoors by following the steps given above. 

You can visit Indorgrow Canada to learn more about growing this medicinal plant for medical purposes.